I know it’s been a while since I have posted anything. Don’t really have an excuse, just life in general. The kids are out of school and my husband has been working from home a lot. It kills my motivation and my productivity, I need to get over it if I am going to move my business forward, but so far it hasn’t worked.
Anyway, I did a Farmer’s Market this past Sat that was very successful, I am looking forward to doing it again in Sept. (hoping to give everyone that bought something from me, time to anticipate seeing me again…) But I was pretty busy the 2 weeks leading up to the market making some new things. I started out in my jewelry business basically making one of a kind things and not really keeping track of anything. Not the best business model, explains why I have been doing this for at least five years and have only grown a tiny bit. I revamped my website with pieces that I can produce many of, if and when people buy them. But I made some new necklaces and a few bracelets to show at the market. These are the first two I made
I made this one first. It’s Amazonite and Moonstone. I have had the Moonstone beads forever and was never quite sure what to do w/ them. I love this necklace, except it’s just a bit too short for me. It hit at a spot on me that is usually where I wear my necklines (especially in the summer time with t-shirts) It looked awkward on my neck. So I thought I would make another one.
I made it a bit longer and changed up the stones a little. Well I love this one even more than the other one. But I wasn’t sure if they would sell. I’ve got people who like my work and follow me, but I tend to create things that I love and would wear. Which is a double-edged sword…I either struggle with wanting to keep everything I make ( not making any money that way!) or I tend to question my taste, fashion sense and overall brand if a piece doesn’t sell. And then I try to make things that I think are trendy or other color themes, or styles that other people would like. Sometimes the pieces come out ok and they do sell, but for the most part, they don’t feel sincere to who I am or what my brand is about and I always come back to making things that I would wear everyday.
But these two necklaces I was okay with if they didn’t sell. I thought I would keep them both for myself and swap them around depending on what I was wearing that day. I have to admit, secretly I was almost hoping at least one of them didn’t sell. I like them that much! I do plan on making another one for myself now that they did sell, and wearing them all the time. But I still struggle with my self-worth when it comes to my work, I have lots of conversations with myself about my brand and my products every time I make something new or have an event coming up. I believe in what I do wholeheartedly. And I am someone who also believes that I am worth it, I have never struggled with self-esteem. My parents always made sure I knew I was important to them. But I am also not the one in the crowd with enough confidence to sell myself to anyone. I was and am that person who does not like to draw attention to herself, I liked to fly under the radar, so to speak.
Well these two necklaces were the first two pieces I sold on Sat! Which makes me happy that 1) people are getting me and my brand and 2) my fashion sense is somewhat restored til the next new piece. I am doing something right, and hopefully soon many more people will get to see that. Always stay true to yourself!
So I think at least one of them will go on the website this week. I am now on the hunt for more Amazonite and Moonstone.
Thanks for listening. Hope you enjoyed this post? If I am lucky, you won’t have to wait another month or so for the next one.